Gingerbread Barn Template, Free Printable Download!

This template for a gingerbread barn is pretty easy to assemble, and can be decorated with realistic designs or by covering it with candy.

I designed this one with doors and a window to glue onto the front, but if you prefer you could cut out the shapes on the front and then add some animals inside the barn, or put a hayloft inside.

free gingerbread barn template

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Tips for building the barn.

I made this test piece out of cardboard to make sure the pieces all fit together. The barn has a little cupola on the top (it’s not really a cupola because those are round, but it’s close enough) and it fits on the V at the top of the roof.

gingerbread-barn-template mockup made from cardboard
A cardboard mockup of the barn.

When you put this together, I would do it in this order:

  1. If you’re going to use the doors and window on the front of the barn, attach them before assembling the walls.
  2. Attach the sides of the barn to the front and back to create a secure base.
  3. Attach the two top sections of the roof to the barn at the peak.
  4. Attach the two lower sections of the roof.
  5. Attach the two side sections to the cupola front and back.
  6. Attach the two top sections of the cupola roof together at the peak.
  7. Attach the lower sections of the cupola roof.
  8. Attach the cupola to the center of the barn roof.

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Side view of the barn.

gingerbread-barn-template mockup made from cardboard
Back of the barn.

gingerbread-barn-template mockup made from cardboard
Front of the barn.

Tips for baking the gingerbread pieces.

If you cut the door and windows out before baking the barn, you can attach the doors to the edges of the cutout door so that they look like they’re open and you can see into the barn.

To decorate the barn with traditional designs, find a photo of a real barn online and pipe white lines onto it to make it look like siding trim, or cut out strips of white fondant and apply them to the house with edible glue.

When the pieces come out of the oven, trim them with a pizza cutter or a sharp knife while they’re hot so that you can make sure they’re the same shape as the pattern pieces.

That will help them fit together better when you assemble the barn.

gingerbread-barn-template mockup made from cardboard
Little cupola-type section on top.

Downloadable pattern.

Here’s the printable template for the barn, click on the link below it and download it to your computer.

You can print this out on a regular piece of 8.5×11″ letter-sized paper. It will fit on A4 too.

You might need to adjust the pieces slightly if the angles don’t line up, so use a knife to shave off a little if the sides aren’t 100% right after you bake them.


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