How To Make Gumpaste Honeysuckle: Full Photo Tutorial

Gumpaste honeysuckle is a pretty and unexpected addition to sugar flower floral arrangements on Spring wedding cakes.

wedding cake with bright fondant flowers honeysuckle and roses
Yellow gumpaste honeysuckle

Honeysuckle comes in multiple colors, including white, yellow, and pink. This is the pink version, but you can make it in the other colors if they go with your arrangement better.

how to make gumpaste honeysuckle

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Materials Needed:

gumpaste flower supplies

Make the buds.

making honeysuckle gumpaste bud

To make the buds for the center of the bunch, wrap a sausage-shaped piece of gumpaste around a thin wire with a hooked end.

making honeysuckle gumpaste bud

Make the piece relatively thin, and make up to 10 in a variety of lengths, from about ½” to 1” long.

drying honeysuckle gumpaste bud

Let these dry.

Prepare the stamens.


To make the centers, take 5 yellow stamens and cut the heads off one end.


Using a thin wire, wrap the stamens onto it, with the tape starting about 1” below the top of the stamens.


Make at least 5 or 6, since each bunch of flowers needs about that many open flowers.

Make the flowers.

ball of gumpaste

For the open flowers, use a piece of gumpaste about the size of a round grape.


Roll the ball out into a sausage shape. One end should be fatter than the other.


Make a small cut into the fatter tip of the sausage. It should be slightly off-center.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Open the cut end and flatten the two sections out.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Insert the pointed end of the dowel into the throat of the flower to open it up.

forming the honeusuckle flower

When the center is open, start shaping the lower petal by pinching and elongating it.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Using a foam board and the rounded end of the dowel, frill the larger side of the petals.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Shape the edge of the petal by pressing it with the pointed end of the dowel to make the edge uneven.

forming the honeusuckle flower

You can also cut the edge a little, depending on the type of honeysuckle you’re making. It will look fine as long as the edge is uneven.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Curve the two petal sections back and away from the center.

forming the honeusuckle flower

If either side is too short to give a good curve, thin it out by pinching and stretching it.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Take one of the stamen centers and insert it into the throat of the flower.

forming the honeusuckle flower

The stamens should stick out from the flower a little.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Put the flower on its side to dry so that you can arrange the petals in the way that you want them to dry.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Alternate flower variety:

To make the trumpet-type of honeysuckle, start with the sausage like you did before.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Insert the pointed end of the dowel into the sausage.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Pinch and frill the tip of the opening with your fingers and the pointed end of the dowel to give it a flared shape.

forming the honeusuckle flower

Insert the stamen center into the trumpet. This type of honeysuckle is usually yellow or a golden yellow color.

Color and wire the flowers together.

gumpaste honeysuckle buds

To color the buds, brush a little green petal dust at the base of the buds.

gumpaste honeysuckle buds

Brush pink petal dust at the top of the buds. The closer the buds are to opening, the more pink will be on them.

gumpaste honeysuckle buds

Each bunch of honeysuckle should have multiple buds, some smaller and greener than others.

gumpaste honeysuckle flower

Brush pink petal dust on the flower.

gumpaste honeysuckle flower

Brush some green petal dust at the base of the flowers.

gumpaste honeysuckle buds

Wrap the buds together with the floral tape.

gumpaste honeysuckle flower

Start wrapping the flowers at the base of the bunch of buds. Wrap at least 5 or 6 on each bunch.

gumpaste honeysuckle flower

Wrap the stem with floral tape and enclose all of the wires at the base to make sure nothing is poking out.

gumpaste honeysuckle flower

The finished bunch should be fanned out.

You can also use individual buds and flowers on cakes if you don’t want to use entire bunches.

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