How To Make Shiny Colored Fondant Pearls

When you make fondant pearls it’s easy to make the colored ones, but if you want them to have some shine too it gets trickier.

make shiny fondant pearls

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Make the pearls darker than you want them to be.

black fondant pearls

To match a color and get the finished pearl the right shade, you’ll need to make it darker than the finished color will be. 

Pearl dust will lighten the color of the pearls, so you need to take that into account.

(To shop for edible pearl dust on Amazon, click here)


These black pearls were for a client who wanted a little shine to them. 

If you can find colored luster dust that’s the easiest solution.

The problem with that is there’s no black luster dust that I can find, so I had to mix some pearl dust with some charcoal black petal dust.

This will still lighten the color, though, because it involves putting a light layer of pearl dust on them. 

What you need to do is add more black after the initial dusting until it gets dark enough. 

When I first dusted these they were light grey even with the black dust added to the pearl to begin with. 


It took an extra two additions of black dust to get them back to a darker color.
(For an article about how to make fondant pearls, click here.)

Even with the extra black dust, the pearls are going to be lighter than they were originally. 

They do look like real black pearls, which aren’t super dark, but if you want really dark-colored pearls you may have to choose to keep them matte instead of dusting them.

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