How To Sell 3D Fondant Cupcake Toppers Online

Selling 3D cupcake toppers online with a home-based business is another option to look at, because they’re are a little different than the flat ones.

how to sell 3D fondant cupcake toppers online

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Determining Pricing

I’ll repeat this from last week in case you missed it…The first thing that you should do is figure out YOUR OWN pricing. Don’t look at what other people are charging until you know what you’ll need to charge to make a decent profit.

Next, do your comparison shopping to see if it even makes sense to sell these types of toppers. 

If you need to charge $5 each but everyone else is selling them for $1 each, it might not be worth your time unless your product is so much better than the others it’s super obvious why the price is higher.

These types of toppers usually take a little longer to make than the flat ones that you just cut out, but there is a lot of overlap as far as how you make them and how they’re shipped.

Things to Keep In Mind For 3D Cupcake Toppers

unicorn cupcake toppers

  • With the 3D toppers you usually have a basic design that can be made assembly-line style, then decorated individually. Do as much as you can ahead of time to cut down on the time it takes to get orders in the mail.
  • I’ll repeat myself from the article about flat toppers….It’s illegal to make and sell copyrighted or trademarked items without the owner’s permission. And make sure that you charge for personalization, or whether you want to offer that at all.
  • Shipping these isn’t difficult, but you’re required to make sure that everything gets to the customer in undamaged condition. Make sure to leave enough room in the box to prevent the toppers from hitting each other.
  • Since these are edible, they would fall under the laws about selling food. Check to make sure you can legally do this!

What’s The Best Way To Pack The Toppers?

pizza cupcake toppers

Pack these using a larger box, a board to put them on to prevent bending and movement, and wrap in food-safe plastic cling wrap. I use the Glad Press and Seal wrap to enclose the individual items, then put them on a board  to prevent movement. 

Or in the case of small items that won’t break, I might put them in a container with a lid. 

You should make sure that they have padding like polyfil around each one to prevent them from banging into each other in transit. I also use mattress padding foam to cushion some items.

Before you start: Do your pricing and competition research and decide what you can reasonably charge for this type of topper based on the level of detail you put into them. Think about what you’d need to use to pack them safely and how much that will add to the cost, and the time it will take to package them.

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