Selling flat cupcake toppers online isn’t as difficult as some other products. They’re fairly popular online, and can be made pretty quickly depending on how detailed they are.
Whether they’re molded items like brooches, flat shapes like snowflakes cut from a piece of fondant, or animal faces made using different layers of fondant shapes, these tend to sell pretty well.

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Determining Pricing
The first thing that you need to do is to figure out how much you would need to charge for these to make a good profit.
Do this BEFORE you do any comparison shopping or competition research, just to prevent you from underpricing yourself.
If you know how much yu need to charge to make a decent profit, you can go into looking at the competition with a better idea abotu whether they’re underpricing things.
If everything that you see for sale is priced way lower than you’d need to price things, you might not be able to compete based on what the market will bear. If there’s a wide range of prices, though, that shoudn’t be a concern.
You can also check to see if the quality of the competition is higher or lower than yours, and that can help you decide whether it’s worth selling the things that you make.
Comparison Shopping
Next, search for “fondant cupcake toppers” on Etsy or Google Shopping and see how much people are selling flat toppers for in general, and whether your pricing makes sense.
It’s okay to be the most expensive, but if you are you’ll need to offer something that your competition doesn’t. More designs, more detail, faster shipping, etc.
People tend to shop based on two things for these, either price or cuteness.
If it’s the cheapest thing they’ll buy it, or if it’s the cutest thing they’ll buy it.
If you have a lot of competition that’s selling the same designs, you’ll probably end up competing on price.
If you can offer different designs that are unique or cuter than the ones that other people sell, you can charge a little mor and people will be willing to pay for them.
Things to Keep In Mind For Flat Cupcake Toppers
- With the flat fondant toppers, you usually have a basic design that can be made assembly-line style, then decorated individually. Do as much as you can ahead of time to cut down on the time it takes to get orders in the mail.
- Decide whether you want to customize these or do a generic version. Customization should cost more, so make sure to charge for it!
- Copyrighted and trademarked cartoon characters and product logos are illegal to reproduce without a license. Just because other people do it doesn’t mean it’s okay, and if you have illegal designs on your website or online shop you can have an infringement claim filed against you.
- Shipping these isn’t difficult, but you’re required to make sure that everything gets to the customer in undamaged condition. Make sure to leave enough room in the box to prevent the toppers from hitting each other.
- Because these are considered to be food, you’ll have to make sure you follow your local laws about selling food online.
Best way to pack flat cake decorations
Pack these using a piece of cardboard to put them on to prevent bending and movement, and wrap in food-safe plastic cling wrap.
I use the Glad Press and Seal wrap to line the board, then fold it over to make little compartments for each topper.
Tape the plastic wrap to the board to prevent the wrap from shifting and to keep them flat.
I stack the boards on top of each other with bubble wrap between them, then wrap in tissue paper.
Before you start: Do your pricing and competition research, and decide what you can reasonably charge for this type of topper based on the level of detail you put into them. Think about what you’d need to use to pack them safely and how much that will add to the cost, and the time it will take to package them.
Want to open a new Etsy shop? Use this link to get 40 free listings: 40 free listings for new shops (#ad)
For more articles in this series, click here:
- How to start an online cake business from home.
- How to sell gumpaste flowers online.
- How to sell sprinkles online.
- What should you sell online?
- How to ship cake decorations safely.
- How to sell 3D cake and cupcake toppers online.
- How to sell gumpaste cake toppers online
- How to sell cake decorating kits online.