Every now and then you get a rough edge on gumpaste flower petals. No big deal, you can usually fix it while the gumpaste is wet.
But then there are the ones that you miss, and those you need to deal with in a harsher manner.
Here’s the flower with the rough petal:

Here’s the emery board being used on the edge of the petal, just file it down gently without applying a lot of pressure to it.

Here’s the smooth edge of the petal:

Easy and fast.
You can also do this if you break off a piece of the petal that’s large and noticeable.
File down the sharp edge where the break happened, and then leave it or add another petal, depending on what the flower looks like.
I’ve broken rose petals before, and depending on how bad the break is, filing down the broken edge can be a good way to disguise the damage, or to prep the area for another petal to be added.
There will be some flowers where filing down the edge isn’t going to work, but a lot of them can be salvaged if you use this method.