{"id":3601,"date":"2023-07-16T13:26:10","date_gmt":"2023-07-16T17:26:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/acaketorememberblog.com\/?p=3601"},"modified":"2024-07-04T10:33:41","modified_gmt":"2024-07-04T14:33:41","slug":"wedding-cake-email-scams-to-watch-out-for","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/acaketorememberblog.com\/wedding-cake-email-scams-to-watch-out-for\/","title":{"rendered":"Wedding Cake Email Scams To Watch Out For"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

I get a constant stream of emails from cake scammers. The usual scheme they use is to order something online, then pay for it with a fake check or credit card. They pay more than the amount due, then ask you to pay their shipping company directly. By the time the bank alerts you that the payment was fake, and they take the money back, you’ve paid the shipper out of your own funds, and they have your money.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

I started writing back to these people for fun, but I decided to put a collection of the responses here, just for my own amusement. I enjoy messing with these idiots… If they write back I’ll post their responses as well. (Note: I do NOT open any attachments, and I will NEVER send them any personal information. I also won’t take a credit card number from them, since they’re all stolen numbers anyway!)<\/p>\n\n\n\n


This article includes affiliate links that will pay a commission if they’re used to purchase something. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n


The abrupt end of correspondence email.<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

This guy stopped writing to me, but he wins the award for the longest run-on sentence in an email ever.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Good day am Joe kelly i have a private party schedule i will like to place an order do you have cakes vanila flavor also do you accept credit card as payment so if you have cakes i will be needing this information
How much will 500 cupcakes will cost me, your address for the private carrier coming for the pickup and actually, i will like you to email me detail asap i will be waiting for the reply.
best regards<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Hi, Joe,
What type of event is your party for? I can make cupcakes for birthdays for girls, but not for boys since my religion prevents me for cooking for boys. I am a Pastafarian and we follow the rules of fettucine.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Am very sorry for late reply you can call me on 801) 613-XXXX or text so that l can talk better<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

I’m sorry, I am unable to talk because of an accident with a sharpened cake dowel. Don’t try to swallow one of those things! Since I can’t talk I don’t have a phone, obviously, so I need to use email to communicate. My Pastafarianism prohibits me from using a phone anyway, that’s one of our big no-nos. Some people try to cut corners and will use a landline but I try to maintain the laws of Pasta by not using a phone at all. It’s pretty easy when you can’t talk to begin with.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Is the party for a girl? I don’t want to waste your time if the cupcakes would be for a boy and I can’t do them. If it’s for a girl it’s fine.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Yes its for girl, am about to finish my ear surgery in next 3 days and my doctor told me not to use phone for now ,so you can only contact me on my via email address so get me the total cost now so i can pay you my credit card now there will be a private carrier coming for the pickup because i just want you to know that they don’t allow outside catering companies to come inside the venue so can you get me your address and direct phone number okay with the regular price which the total cost is and i have forward your address to the carrier coming for the pickup of the cupcakes on the 24th of this month is the pickup at 12pm i will be needing some favor from you and the favor is that i haven’t pay the carrier that we be coming to pick up the cakes and i should have get that done my self but due to my disability i am hearing impaired and i am undergoing surgery in 5 days time so i am not able to do that, that is why am asking you for the favor and the carrier service do not have access to the credit card authorization and if you can help me with that i will appreciate and the total price sounds good, but before I can get you my credit card to pay for the grand total of the order, I would like for you to add $750 plus the total price of the order so that you can have all that charged on my credit card now and you will have the $750 sent to the private carrier agent in cash (via western union money Transfer to receive Money and for them to be able to come for the pick up with their truck and i will like to know if you are ready for my credit card and i will be paying for the western union chargesThanks<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Where’s the party going to be? I know most of the people in town, so I bet they’d let me deliver the cupcakes directly to them. There are ways to get around the rule of no outside vendors allowed in, you just have to know the people involved. I could save you the $750 since you wouldn’t have to pay the shipper at all.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

(He stopped answering me after that…I guess he was tired after writing that long sentence.)<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n
